Official Rules and Guidelines for Books & Brews “My Books & Brews” video contest
The “My Books & Brews” video contest is designed to give people ages 13 and over the chance to win two (2) tickets to the 2017 Harry Potter Yule Ball, December 9, 2017 from 9:00 am to midnight. their chance to create a 30-second digital video about what Books & Brews means to them on a personal level. Each contest Entrant will submit an original video submission up to 45 seconds in length. The top 3 (three) finalists will receive prizes and be featured on Books & Brews media outlets, including but not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube, and websites, and in public media outlets.
By participating in this contest, entrants agree to be bound by the official terms and conditions.
The contest submission period begins September 18, 2017 at 12:01 AM EDT and ends November 24, 2017 at 11:59 PM EDT. Eligibility is defined in Section 2 of contest terms and conditions.
The contest judging period begins September 18, 2017, and ends November 24, 2017. Judging is contingent upon Section 4 of Official Rules and Guidelines for Books & Brews “My Books & Brews” video contest.
The notification period for grand prize winners begins November 24, 2017, and ends November 29, 2017. All prize winners will be notified through the original email used to register on the Books & Brews website. Winners who do not respond within the designated time frame of one week from the original email date will forfeit their prizes to the next eligible winner.
Entrants must adhere to Section 3 of the Official Terms and Conditions for Books & Brews “My Books & Brews” video contest. Entrants must submit an up-to-45-second digital video about what Books & Brews means to them on a personal level no later than 11:59 PM EDT November 24, 2016 to be eligible to enter. Submissions must be original and contain no reference or performance of copyrighted media. Entrants must submit videos in the following file formats: .MOV, ‪.MPEG4, ‪.MP4, .AVI, ‪.WMV, ‪.MPEGPS, ‪.FLV, ‪.3GPP, ‪WebM, and other formats eligible for YouTube transcription. Only one entry per person allowed.
Winning videos are selected through public votes on YouTube contest website. All videos must comply with the YouTube community guidelines. Entries that do not comply will immediately be disqualified. YouTube is not, under any circumstances, a Sponsor of this contest. The winner will be determined by the number of public “likes” (votes) collected and tallied on the contest’s digital platform accessible at the Books & Brews YouTube channel; In the event of a tie, Books & Brews will cast the final and deciding vote. The winners will be notified via submission emails between November 24, 2017 and November 29, 2017.
The grand prize winner will receive two (2) tickets for admittance to the 2017 Harry Potter Yule Ball December 9, 2017 from 9:00 am to midnight, a $50 gift card to Books & Brews, and a Books & Brews T-Shirt. In the event that the Yule Ball is cancelled, the grand prize winner will receive an additional $100 gift card for Books & Brews. Second prize winner will receive two (2) tickets for admittance to the 2017 Harry Potter Yule Ball December 9, 2017 from 9:00 am to midnight, a $20 gift card to Books & Brews, and a Books & Brews Coozie. Third Prize winner will receive two (2) tickets for admittance to the 2017 Harry Potter Yule Ball December 9, 2017 from 9:00 am to midnight. In the event that any prize winner does not confirm their prize, the prizes will be awarded to the next eligible Entrant.